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Showing posts from July, 2018

Top 10 Tweets and Replies By Politician On NRC

After the direction of SC to pu blish NRC  for the citizen of Assam to Check the number of Bangladeshi migrants in India and now NRC has become a big issue for the Government Of India. Although this is a sensitive issue but then also the politicians are try to politicize this mater and this can be guaranteed after reading there tweets and replies on this sensitive topics. Top 10 tweets Of Politician and Some famous Personalities. 1. Mamta Banerjee,TMC Everybody Knows that there are many Bangladeshi migrants living in West Begal and just to retain this vote  bank Mamta Banerjee Is Politicizing this sensitive issue. 2. Rajnath Singh,BJP 3. Barkha Dutt  4. Rajdeep Sardesai 5. Sambit Patra,BJP 6. Jitendra Singh,BJP 7. Gaurav Gogoi, Congress 8. Rahul Gandhi, Congress 9.Dilip Ghosh, BJP 10.Digvijay Singh, Congress

100 Year's Scam Of false School Name In Deoria District Of UP

In Deoria District Of UP a education scam from past hundred years was continuously going on, today due to the viral video on social media sites. This incident came into the UP governments knowledge and this was corrected. Scam was not realated to fundings or funds given to these Schools. It was realated to the name of School. Many schools in Deoria District Of UP was running under the name of Islamia and Urdu was taught as the main language in these schools, Hindi was Just a subject in these school. All the daily procedings from taking attendance to teaching process all were  done in Urdu Language, these schools use to give holidays on friday instead of Sunday and this was done because for Muslim students it was not easy to remain  present on Friday due to Jumme Ki Namaj. According To law of UP Hindi should be taught as the main language in the government school of UP but this law was not fallowed by any of these schools. Although the UP government took ac...

RBI To Issue New Rs.100 Notes

Reserve Bank of India(RBI) in a notification said that they are going to issue a new 100 rupee note under Mahatma Gandhi's (new) series. The New Note Will be lavender in colour and it has design of " RANI KI VAV" (a step well in the town of Patan In Gujrat) on the back side. The dimensions of the new Rs 100 note Will be 66mm×142mm. The new note will have the singn of the RBI Governor Urjit Patel. RBI said in a notification that the printing and supply of the new 100 rupee notes for distribution to public will moderately increase. These are the features of new 100 ruppee notes. Front Side.  * GandhijImage at Centre. * RBI in Micro letter, Bharat in Devnagri, India and 100. * RBI emblem on the right side of mahatma Gandhi Image. * Urjit Patel Signature with Guarantee Clause. * Ashok Pillar on the right. * For visualy impaired four lines on both the sides of notes Back Side * Year of printing of note on the left side. * Slogan and Swatch...

Top 10 Countries With Highest Number Of NPA

In today's era the way demand of investments are increasing due to the increase in buisness. This have led to increase in lending rate of funds by Banks.  In India NPA in a big problem for the banks operating in India, But government is also keeping an eye on the defaulters and victory of Indian Banks in case filed against one of the biggest defaulter of India (Vijay Malya) in UK Court. Top 10  Countries With Highest Number Of  NPA. 1. GREECE Greece is a country in the Balkans and it has the highest number of NPA. NPA in Greece is 36.4%. 2. ITALY Italy is a country in Europe and it has the second highest number of NPA. NPA in Italy is 16.4%. 3. PORTUGAL  Portugal is a country in Europe and it has the third highest number of NPA. NPA in Portugal is 15.5%. 4. IRELAND Ireland is a country in Europe and it has the fourth highest number of NPA. NPA in Ireland is 11.9% . 5. INDIA   India is a country in South Asia and it is ranked 5t...

Top 10 Smallest Economies Of The World

In The Current Era Economy is the very important factor for any country and larger the Economy greater the power they have. But it's not that every Economy is big in this world there are some Economy whose size is so small that some billionaires income is more than there Economies size. Top 10 Smallest Economies Of The World 1. Comoros (Rank 191) Comoros is a country in East Africa and It is an island in Indian Ocean. The size of Comoros GDP is US $649million. 2. Dominica (Rank 192) Dominica is the country in Carribbean Island. Size of Dominica GDP is US $563million. 3. Tonga (Rank 193) Tonga is a small country in oceania. Size of Tonga GDP is US $426million. 4. Sao Tome and Princepe (Rank 194) Sao Tome and Princepe is a Country in Central Africa. Size of Sao Tome and Princepe GDP is US $391million. 5. Micronesia, Fed. Sts. (Rank 195) Micronesia is a country in Oceania. Size of Micronesia GDP is US $ 336million. 6. Palau (Rank 196) Pal...

Top 10 largest economy of the world

In today's world size of economy of any country is a very important factor because every nation now avoid military war. Now countries prefer economy war or trade war, recently China and USA is on the verge of it. Top 10 largest economy of the world 1. USA USA backed the first possition with the size of GDP US $19390604 million. 2. China China backed the second position with the size of GDP US $12237700 million. 3. Japan Japan  backed the third position with the size of GDP US $4872137 million. 4. Germany Germany  backed the fourth position with the size of GDP US $3677439 million. 5. United Kingdom UK  backed the fifth position with the size of GDP US $2622434 million. 6. India India backed the sixth position with the size of GDP US $2597491 million. 7. France France backed the seventh position with the size of GDP US $2582501 million. 8. Brazil Brazil  backed the eighth position with the size of GDP US $2055506 ...

Hyderabad Buisness Man Donated 1 Crore In Temple

Hyderabad based Buisness Man K.S Rao, Chairman of menakshi infra private limited donated the amount of Rs 1 Crore to the hill shrine of lord Venkateswara at nearby Tirumala. This amount was given to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthana(TTD)  and they were requested to use it for TTD run free meal trust (Sri Venkateswara Annapurna Trust) . On an average free meals are served to one lakh devotees daily and this is done by utilising sixty Crore interest on the donation of more than 800 Crore by the devotees.                              The end * Admin and author is not responsible for data published.