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Modi's Gift To Nation HEALTH Care for All

The last 65 years of congress rule in india has seen no devlopment of the healthcare sector in india . The rural and urban poor has always been outside the secured services of health insurance but Prime Minister Modi's new healthcare policy targets to bring the large mass of the indian population under a universal health insurance scheme The Ayushman Bharat Scheme . It targets to provide every indian family an insurance of 5.5 lakh rupee per year regarding primary and tertiary treametre cost .

The new policy of the NDA goverment trues their election promise of sabka sath sabka vikas , it provides quality health care service to each nd every household of our nation . One of the most important requirement in today's world other then the classical roti kapda makan is HEALTH , the poor , the opressed ,the backward sections of society for whom quality health care was always out of reach is now at their grasp they can now lead their lives without being of worrisome of the thought of being unwell.

The quicksand of debt arising due to unforeseen health issues would be finished there would be no need to borrow loans at extravagant rates of interests for bearing health care costs . People would be free from the burden of debt maybe that's another independence day gift from the government .

The government has emphasised from the start that the entire process would be cashless hence eliminating the rampant corruption present in governmental health care facilities . Hence the objection from some unwanted elements in the society .
Cashless process would make the process fast safe and secure .

Treatment of several critical illness cannot be afforded by many , unaffordibilty of such services leads to death . The government plans to put an end to this the government doesn't want someone to die just because of poverty . This scheme has the ability to save millions of life every year. Not a single ill man needs to die because he is poor . Maybe electing a man who understands the problems of poor wasn't such a bad idea after all

At the end let's come to the business aspect of the policy it will create a huge space in the helathheal market , creating new jobs in the industry ranging from healthcare to insurance to housekeeping jobs . It will also create huge budinbus opportunity for insurance companies providing a boost to the already booming economy

Critical Appraisal - It is the largest healthcare scheme in the world benifiting around 50crore people . Journalists , strategist , foreign governments are looking forward to India to show the how to carry out such a huge public care program successfully . Hope India shows the way to other countries to a new world where people don't die of poverty .

Here's what you need to do to avail the wonderful opportunity

Click here for eligibility and registration


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